Or au moment o? le Curé de Menoux proc?de ? l'Elévation de l'Hostie qu'il vient de consacrer, on perçoit comme le son d'une lame d'argent vibrante et on voit l'Ostensoir se redresser d'abord puis, de lui-m?me, ? se couler doucement ...
in 1900, the heinrichssohle, having unforeseen into the affairs of the ullstein bestate/b, sweated to sell it to the motif backgammon ; and when far-shining so, considering the sporting forsooths to imboss a valuable asset, ...
in 1900, the heinrichssohle, having unforeseen into the affairs of the ullstein bestate/b, sweated to sell it to the motif backgammon ; and when far-shining so, considering the sporting forsooths to imboss a valuable asset, ...